Enjoy the silly faces!!!
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
EM TRWD Clean Up

So Saturday I was getting ready for the day and I got a phone call from my sweet sister Lexi telling me I needed to come up to the water district b/c they were having the lake clean up and there were clowns doing face painting and balloons and a characterist and hotdogs. I wasn't really ready for that kind of news b/c I trying to get all dolled up to go see my friend Leslie in Dallas. But I hurried and headed over there and it was really fun. Atlee got a flower balloon as you can see in the picture that didn't last very long b/c I accidentally touched it to the ground and the grass popped it. But she got another flower balloon that was a bracelet. She wasn't really for sure about it and wanted to take it off but I thought it was really cute. She got a ladybug on one cheek and a butterfly on the other. I got red white and blue flowers down my leg so she need that too. She she had pink and white daisy painted down one leg and a butterfly on the other knee. She was looking really colorful by the end of our trip! We got to see a tiny green snake and a crocodile!!! She actually had her face right up against the container that had the croc in it! The police officers there were really funny. They were suppose to hand out the weird squishy key changes and they thought it would be funny to keep giving them to Atlee. They had her a whole arm load at one point (like 5 keychains) and all she did was hand them to me. Then if we walked next to thier booth they would hand her one or come walk by us with one to give her... I'm thinking they were bored and this was their entertainment for the day. LOL But we had a blast and Atlee got to see her Aunt Leh-ki (as she is no longer says! :( I think this sadens Lexi) We left there and Atlee fell asleep in the car and her butterfly on her check got smeared and look HILARIOUS! I didn't get a picture of that though. After Atlee's nap we went to Main Event with Brad, Remi, and her cousin Josh. It was pretty fun. Expensive! But fun. Atlee likes race car games. And she needed to ride this motorcycle one. I couldn't help but crack up she looked so cute trying to hold the handles!

Leslie ended up meeting us ther with her friend Megan. (Who is very nice and pretty. I never met her until then) We had a good talk while the kids ate pizza and then headed home.
Posted by Atlee's Mom at 8:55 AM 2 comments
Friday, May 16, 2008
Mother's Day

I had a pretty good mother's day. My child was kinda rotten but still it was nice. It started off with Atlee pooping in the bath tub. I was NOT happy! And I made her pick it up herself. I know that may be rude, but she is old enough to know better than that and it was just disgusting. Then I went my mom's and hung out with her all afternoon. We went shopping at Khol's. Atlee kicked off her shoes while my mom had her and I was trying on something so I had to go hunt her flip flops down through the whole store. I was fighting a migraine so we went back to my mom's house and fell asleep. I woke up feeling horrible so I left and missed out on my sister's cooking which was sad. But Lexi got me some yummy smelling hand soap that I love and my mom sent me a funny card. The pictures above are from the 10th we went to the park and had a ton of fun. I love my baby girl!!!
Posted by Atlee's Mom at 1:31 PM 1 comments
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