The 3 Day

Help me reach my goal for the Susan G. Komen Dallas/Fort Worth 3-Day for the Cure!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Mother's Day

I had a pretty good mother's day. My child was kinda rotten but still it was nice. It started off with Atlee pooping in the bath tub. I was NOT happy! And I made her pick it up herself. I know that may be rude, but she is old enough to know better than that and it was just disgusting. Then I went my mom's and hung out with her all afternoon. We went shopping at Khol's. Atlee kicked off her shoes while my mom had her and I was trying on something so I had to go hunt her flip flops down through the whole store. I was fighting a migraine so we went back to my mom's house and fell asleep. I woke up feeling horrible so I left and missed out on my sister's cooking which was sad. But Lexi got me some yummy smelling hand soap that I love and my mom sent me a funny card. The pictures above are from the 10th we went to the park and had a ton of fun. I love my baby girl!!!


Lexi said...

I love all the pics, how come I didn't get copies of these! :( I need some more Atlee time!! I wish your Mother's day would have been migrane free, sorry 'bout that!