So every day when I pick up Atlee from her Nonnies house I always ask "So what did you do with Nonnie today?" To which I ALWAYS get "I don't know" Ok so you just stared at the wall? No. Did you play with your tea set? Yes. Did you play dress up? Yes.. ok then tell me about it... SILENCE. So we are working on this. So Monday I ask... She says IDK... So I say well think... What did you do? And this is the response I get "Momma my brain is THINKING!" I lost it! I was cracking up so hard and she just kept going... Her brain is a boy and it's pink. It also has it's own brain AND arms. I tell you this kid is crazy but I just love listening to the crazy silly things she says.
Friday, December 5, 2008
My Princess!

Posted by Atlee's Mom at 12:44 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
I have the worst luck in the world! Merry Christmas to Laci!

So I have the worst luck in the world... I'm not joking! I really think I attract crazies, get srewed, and all that fun stuff. This year alone my wedding ring has been stolen, my credit card, lost a best friend, had a broken heart, been crushed in more than one way and lots more but that's all I can think of at the moment...So I go to a party @ my friends... having a blast... set down my camera, come back to get it... oh yeah it's missing... Yeah the new one I just got and had all 200 pictures from our family trip to Oklahoma. Really no it's somewhere. I get up in the morning... look around again.. still no

This one is my favorite!!!
Posted by Atlee's Mom at 1:22 PM 2 comments
Monday, October 13, 2008
Ok... so... yeah... blah... barf... betrayal
Ok so I found out too much crap this weekend. Please just pray for me and 'my friend' (a girl not boy). I don't want to go into details or anything but I cried almost all day yesterday and a ton today and I don't know how to get through or past this. This hurts more than going through all my Randy stuff and that was hard. So pray for my strength and health. I've felt sick and now I have a migraine and don't know what I'm going to do to make myself feel better. Maybe when I'm not feeling numb about all of this I can write some details but at the moment I'm like a zombie....
Posted by Atlee's Mom at 1:26 PM 2 comments
Friday, October 10, 2008
I feel like Anjolee!
Ok Anj... this is for you. I got some new post it notes at work and they are the ones that go in the dispenser... which I don't have... and you can play with them like a slinky. This is INCREDIBLY amusing to me. TO MY GREAT PLEASURE they smell GOOD!!!! Kinda like scotch tape... Anjolee you need to sniff some post it notes!
Posted by Atlee's Mom at 10:50 AM 2 comments
Friday, October 3, 2008
Layla Opal Adams
Ok here is our new addition! She has been VERY lazy and mellow. Maybe b/c she got her rabies shot and her micro chip and new home yesterday. This morning she was hidden in the couch and it took me a hour of calling her to hear her bell twice but she never came out. :( I'm hoping she comes out and plays with Atlee and I this afternoon after I get off work. Opal was her name when we adopted her but we named her Layla. This took some convincing b/c Atlee wanted to name this kitty Ella as well... the only was I could explain that we couldn't do that is "Hey what if Aunt Connie and Uncle Levi named Mia & Jules BOTH Mia... that would just be silly right?" And she agreed and it was Layla or Sterling BUT Sterling didn't work in the song we sing very well... So it Layla Layla Bo Bayla Banana Nana Fo Fayla Fe Fi Fo Frayla LAYLA!!! I chose it b/c I LOVE the Eric Clapton song... Now I just need that CD or to put it on my iPhone so Atlee can learn it and sing it to her new kitty. The first picture she kinda looks evil and fat but she's not, she just has a lot of fur on her neck. But she's so cool b/c her nose and paws are ALL gray.
Posted by Atlee's Mom at 10:05 AM 6 comments
Thursday, October 2, 2008
New Kitten
Ok so I was going to wait till Christmas but I couldn't. I got Atlee a kitten today... well I made Randy go get it b/c he was off and they had already had 6 calls on it. He says she's WAY bigger than Ella so we will see... I will post pictures soon.
Posted by Atlee's Mom at 1:04 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
To continue on Lexi's Random thoughts...
1. Why is it that when people sing you can't hear their accent?
Such as- Lesley Roy... she is IRISH and you can NOT tell by the way she sings or Keith Urban... (If you haven't heard Lesley Roy she has a awesome voice... some say she sounds like a dude but I really like her. You can youtube her. Unbeautiful is a great song.)
2. Why is it that unhealthy food taste so yummy but the healthy stuff is hard to swallow?
3. So you have medicine that says extra strength or full strength... is there weak strength medicine? And who would want to take it? Ok I have a headache let me take something that's not at it's full strength so I can suffer through this pain some more! Seriously? What's up with that?
Ok that's all I thought of at the moment!
Posted by Atlee's Mom at 12:44 PM 2 comments
Monday, September 29, 2008
Ok... Here it goes... The Day Before Vegas!
So the long awaited Vegas trip BLOG!
Ok the day before our trip I was a nervous WREAK. I was this way b/c it was the first trip that I was sort of 'in charge' of. I was going to a strange place that myself or any of the other girls had never been. (Leslie & Megan- she's a friend of Leslie's and I'm so glad to now call her my friend) So I was just this sweaty ball of nerves... not JOKING I was sweating ALL DAY LONG!!! I am the only one that has a kid so I was the 'mama' of the group. Leslie kept saying "I'm so glad you are the Mama of the group you are doing great!" LOL I left work early b/c I had to go get cash and make sure all my bills were in order. Good thing I already had my bag packed... yes me the procrastinator had it packed for almost a week! I was freaking out about the dang liquid stuff... Let me tell you that is not an easy task for a girl! I have TOO much facial and hair product and me and my mom spent about 2 hours figuring out how to fit all my stuff in a 1 quart baggy. BUT I MADE IT FIT!!! And then I was also sad about leaving Atlee. It's just hard for me to leave her or not have her with me b/c I'm the only one she has... if that makes since. I don't know what I would do if I didn't have her every other weekend like most people that are divorced have. I think I would be lost. I would like to have the break every once in a while b/c it's hard, but I feel guilty leaving her. I know she was staying at my mom's and would be just fine but it's still a hard thing for me to do. So I hung out with Atlee, ate dinner and played as much as I could before she fell asleep. Leslie and Megan were coming over to stay the night b/c we were leaving at 5 in the morning and yeah I needed them to be on time :) So they got to my apartment about 11 and I made sure their bags were packed right and we popped in Ocean's 11 to get us pumped up! Leslie was hungry so we scrummaged through and found sand which stuff to make her. She had this "BRILLIANT" plan to make it a grilled cheese sandwich on my stove... ok this is what she did... turn on the burner until the coil got red and laid her sandwich on it... I asked "Have you done this before?" I thought she said yes but let me tell you... THIS DOES NOT WORK!!! Leslie's like "Oh hell... LAAAACCCCCIIIIIII!!!!!" I turn around to smoke and just start cracking UP! I find a spatula and scrap it off and tell her to open up the doors b/c my fire alarm is going to go off.... that didn't help it still went off and yes Atlee slept through this all! I told them to fan it and they pulled the smoke alarm off the wall and it stopped. So if you come to my house and know how to reattach the dang thing please let me know b/c it's still hanging off my wall! So after all that the bread actually caught on fire and I was just hysterical b/c I couldn't believe she had done it and it was hilarious the way she reacted b/c she thought it was such a brilliant idea. I knew this trip was going to filled with tons of laughing after that. So we layed around and talked till about 2. I was to be waking up by 4 to be ready on time.... to be continued
Posted by Atlee's Mom at 11:58 AM 2 comments
Friday, September 26, 2008
I'm so jealous!
I never have any time or good stories to tell and then I read all of y'alls blogs and they are so funny and I could read them for hours.... I just wanted to let you know I'm very JEALOUS!!!! Maybe one day I can sit down and catch you all up about Laci & Atlee - ville!
Posted by Atlee's Mom at 11:58 AM 1 comments
Friday, September 19, 2008
Oh the Drama!!!
So last night and today have kinda sucked. Short version... Atlee's cat died last night and I confirmed the person that stole my credit card this morning... It was who I thought. I cried a lot. I'll be getting Atlee another cat. Any suggestions or ideas how to help out with Atlee getting through this I'd like to hear. I've only had 1 dog and then Ella. Atlee's doing fine... maybe cried a total of 10 minutes if that. I've explain Ella is in heaven and is playing with all the animals and is having a blast. She hasn't mentioned it today. Let me know and pray for Atlee little heart that she'll be ok and open to having a new cat!
Posted by Atlee's Mom at 8:56 AM 3 comments
Monday, September 15, 2008
What the Heck!?!?! I just started getting them this year and they suck! I'm suffering one today and I just wanted to let you guys know that if you don't have them... thank you lucky stars b/c they are NO FUN! I just took my miracle medicine and it works good but taste disgusting!!! I almost lost my delicious lunch. (Schwan's new pizzas... Oh man they are GREAT!) The girls at work are very sweet. They let me shut off the row of light above my computer. It helps a ton. Just needed to let that out. Hope everyone is having a wonderful day! Love to ALL!!!
Posted by Atlee's Mom at 10:33 AM 2 comments
Friday, September 12, 2008
I had fun... I will post some pics and stories soon I hope! Sorry I don't have more time to tell right now!
Posted by Atlee's Mom at 9:24 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
ABC tag
* A - Attached or single: Single
* B - Best Friend: Leslie or LT or Leslie Ann
* C - Cake or Pie: Cake
* D - Day: Saturday
*E - Essential Items: Cell Phone, Atlee
* F - Favorite Color: Pink
* G - Gummy Bears or Worms: WORMS!
* H - Hometown: Saginaw, TX or Republic, MO
* I - indulgences: Sleep!
* J - January or July: January! I can’t wait for cold weather!
* K - Kids: Atlee Sway
* L - Life is incomplete without: The love of a child and laughter
* M - Marriage Date: Do I have to remember… January 17,2005 Divorce date April 24 2007! Yes I know it’s sad but I remember that easier than the marriage date!
* N - Number of Siblings: 2 - Levi & Lexi
* O - Oranges or Apples: Apple… well I love Grapples!
* P - Phobia or Fears: Spiders, loosing Atlee
* Q - Quote: “Da da da DA!” “If you polish a terd it’s still a terd” – Jeff Dunham- you need to youtube him if you haven’t ever watched him! He has me in stitches every time!
* R - Reason to Smile: Atlee, My nieces, My crazy parents, Ashley
* S - Season: Winter
* T - Tag two: Ashley & Leslie
* U - Unknown fact about me: I secretly admire someone…
* V - Vegetarian or Not: NO WAY. I love me some steak, burgers, & chicken!
* W - Worst habit: Popping my knuckles
* X - X-rays or Ultrasounds: Both… if it’s asking if I’ve had them…
* Y - Your favorite food: Alfreado! DUH!
*Z - Zodiac sign: Aquarius
Posted by Atlee's Mom at 12:52 PM 2 comments
Friday, July 18, 2008
Going GREAT!
So my dad is going great. My mom said he's out watering the yard already! It's not really hurting that bad just more bothersome. But he is on pain meds still. He's suppose to just take them as needed and then change to Motrin. YAY!
Posted by Atlee's Mom at 8:17 AM 0 comments
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Monday, July 7, 2008
Please Pray!
I have a court hearing on Monday July 14th... I'm really nervous so please keep me in your prayers. It's for Child Support issues.
Posted by Atlee's Mom at 9:44 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Atlee's 3rd Birthday!

This turned out so well! There was like 30 people there and some of my co-workers came with their kids (or grand kids) All the girls played dress up and Atlee got so much stuff it was amazing. I have such wonderful friends and family! Of course it was a princess party and Lexi, Jamye, and I dressed up as well!
Then after everyone left Mia, Jules, and Atlee played in a sprinkler hopscotch that I bought for the party but it didn't happen. This was a lot of fun to watch and Aunt Lexi didn't forget her swimsuit this time... I did BUT I just went ahead and played in my clothes.

Posted by Atlee's Mom at 1:08 PM 2 comments
Thursday, June 19, 2008
New Addition!
So I got Atlee a kitten. Her name is Ella Soap Adams. (she was found in a bucket at a car wash with her sister... so the Humane Society named them Soap and Bubbles) If you have any advise on cats please let me know as this is my first one. I'm a little nervous about having an animal but I thought Atlee really needed a companion.
Posted by Atlee's Mom at 7:08 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
My Beautiful 3 Year Old!
So I went and had Atlee's 3 year old pictures done last week and it went GREAT! She had 5 wardrobe changes... yes five- I like to have variety. We were going to get cousin pictures taken too but Jules was sick :( Maybe we can go soon and get those done. Please let me know what you think!
Posted by Atlee's Mom at 8:16 AM 3 comments
I'm just so happy I had to share the news... Randy paid most of his back owed child support!!!! I got to pay off my mom and my credit card and still have some left!!!! What a blessing from GOD! The power of prayer just amazes me! Please keep praying for us. We have a court hearing in July to go over all of the child support and re-evaluate his income. He's been really sweet and easy to talk to so it's been great. I've missed that about him. I'm so happy how things are going.
Posted by Atlee's Mom at 8:12 AM 1 comments